Making the decision to surrender an animal is a difficult experience for any pet owner. However, life is unpredictable and pet owners may one day find themselves in a position where they are no longer able to care for their animal.
Pets are surrendered to animal shelters for a variety of reasons. Below are some of the most common reasons, along with possible solutions to consider.
Behavioural issues
Behavioural issues are inconvenient and challenging, but can possibly be resolved with positive reinforcement training. If you have behavioural concerns with your pet, this does not necessarily mean that you need to resort to surrendering them.
The Home is offering pet training courses, including:
- Puppy pre-school class, for puppies of 8-14 weeks old;
- Young dog class, for dogs of 6-12 months of age;
- Adult dog class, for dogs of over 12 months of age;
- Private pet training class, one-on-one session for dogs.
For help resolving a behavioural issue with your pet, consult your vet or book a behavioural consultation with a member of our team. For further information or to make an appointment for a behavioural consultation, please email us on or phone us on (03) 9329 2755.
Rental accommodation
Finding a rental property that allows pets can be tricky and takes time, but it is possible. New laws in Victoria have now removed the limitations around pets in rental properties however it is still good practice to request permission. Allowing your potential landlord to meet your pet and providing a reference from a previous landlord, may strengthen your case.
Moving overseas
Pet owners might not be aware that it may be possible for them to take their animals if they move overseas. This depends on a number of factors, including the type of animal and country where they will be living. This will take considerable time and funds to organise, but is an option to consider for keeping the family together.
Taking an extended holiday
If you are planning a family holiday, there are pet-friendly places of accommodation available. If you are unable to find somewhere that allows pets, or if travelling with your pet is not possible, consider asking a trusted family member or friend to stay at your place while you are away, or look into using the services of a reputable boarding facility or pet sitter.
Surrendering your pet to The Lost Dogs’ Home
As outlined above, there may be options available to help you work through any issues, potentially allowing you to keep your pet. However, you may have explored all available avenues, only to find that surrendering your pet is the only remaining option. If you believe you are in a situation where you cannot continue to care for your pet, our team is here to help. Please phone us on (03) 9329 2755 for a confidential chat about the surrender process. Alternatively you may wish to email us at