Clinic services and facilities

Clinic services and facilities


Our team is skilled in diagnosing and treating all types of pet health problems. Our collective experience allows us to provide outstanding preventative health care to achieve your pet’s optimum well being.

Bookings are essential, so please contact the clinic in advance to make an appointment for your pet.

If you have any concerns about your pet’s health, please phone the clinic without delay on (03) 8379 4498. A member of our team will be happy to provide further assistance.

Standard consultation costs:

Standard consultations generally take around 15 minutes and are for simple and routine matters, such as a nail clip or dental check.

Standard weekday – $82 (+$25 surcharge on weekends)

Extended consultation costs:

Extended consultations can take up to 30 minutes and are for more complex matters.

Extended Weekday – $133 (+$25 surcharge on weekends)

We offer a discount on consultation fees to eligible pension, concession and healthcare card holders. Please contact the Clinic for further information and to check if you are eligible, in order to avoid disappointment.


Dogs should be vaccinated for Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus and Canine Cough. Cats should be immunised against Feline Enteritis, Cat Flu and Feline Immuno-deficiency Virus (FIV).

FIV, or feline AIDS, is a disease that can affect the immune system of your cat and is potentially fatal. Living in the blood of an infected cat, the virus is carried throughout its life. FIV is predominately spread through bite wounds as the virus is mainly shed through saliva.

Between 14 and 29 per cent of cats in Australia test positive to the disease. The Lost Dogs’ Home Frank Samways Veterinary Clinic runs a FIV prevention program, which includes a general health check, blood test and 3x FIV vaccinations (initial course). Once fully immunised for FIV cats only require a single injection in subsequent years.

Parasite treatment

The Lost Dogs’ Home Frank Samways Veterinary Clinic offers total parasite treatments for all pets. Prevention is the best approach!


Our team performs thousands of same-day desexing surgeries every year. All surgeries are performed in purpose built, state-of-the art theatres where patients receive technological and nurse monitoring as well as pain relief during and post-operation. Your pet will receive the highest standard of care at the Frank Samways Veterinary Clinic.


Microchipping is a safe and permanent way to identify your pet. The Lost Dogs’ Home offers inexpensive microchipping which can be done at the Clinic during consultation. Legislation now requires all new dogs and cats to be microchipped prior to council registration.


Our experienced team is able to perform all routine surgeries as well as complex orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery. The Clinic features modern diagnostic, imaging and surgical facilities as well as high quality pathology and anaesthetic technology.

Dog and cat grooming

Regular grooming will keep your pet happy, healthy and comfortable. Treatments we offer for both dogs and cats include nail clipping, clipping of matts, full and part shaves under sedation where necessary

Optimum Weight program

Around one in two dogs in Australia are overweight, and although less prevalent in cats, obesity can still affect our feline friends if they are not fed the right diet.

The Lost Dogs’ Home Frank Samways Veterinary Clinic runs an Optimum Weight Program, which will help your pet achieve their ideal weight. Overweight dogs and cats can suffer from heart, kidney, renal, and joint problems as well as diabetes.

Additionally, underweight animals may have an undetected disease which is causing their weight loss.


We offer preventative dental treatment with modern cleaning, scaling and polishing equipment.

Senior Pet’s program

Pets aged seven years and over should be regularly checked for disease and health problems which commonly affect seniors. Senior dogs are prone to liver, heart and joint disease, and senior cats often suffer from thyroid and kidney disease.

Medical imaging

The clinic offers state of the art digital radiology and ultrasound services.

In-house laboratory services

Our in-house laboratory machines enable immediate blood results for critical cases and for pre-anesthetic blood tests.