Every day the Home cares for dogs and cats who have had a rough start to life. Some have had inexperienced owners, unaware of their responsibilities as pet owners. Others, sadly, have suffered neglect or have been mistreated.
The Lost Dogs’ Home has long provided basic training and behaviour rehabilitation for under-confident dogs. These programs have helped thousands of dogs in our care progress and go on to find new homes.
In 2015, the behaviour department was expanded and a comprehensive behaviour and enrichment program was introduced. Under the program, detailed behaviour programs are developed for those dogs needing one-on-one training and support from the Home’s behaviour team. These dogs may experience a range of behaviours, including lack of confidence and anxiety disorders.
The behaviour department closely works with other teams within the Home to constantly improve animal enrichment. Staff and volunteers at the Home will interact with dogs and cats on a daily basis. Through these interactions, staff document training and behaviour responses which helps assess dogs and cats for adoption and identify any extra training or assistance these animals may need.
Through daily interaction with dogs needing specialised training and care, the behaviour team is able to plan the best possible journey for these dogs in need while they are at the Home.
The extra information the team gathers from working closely with dogs in the behaviour program helps the Home find the right owner to meet their specific needs – helping these deserving dogs find a loving, life-long home.