All photographs used on this website remain the property of The Lost Dogs’ Home. Reproduction or use of these without permission is prohibited.
Shy with strangers and will hide, can be coaxed with treats then watches from a distance
Loves his food, growls over chicken breast
Very interested in playing with toys, loves to hug feet / ankles, gently nibbles fingers, loves
chasing toys
Likes to be held in the crook of my arm like a baby
Likes to pat my head
Likes to drag a little cloth around and pounce
Doesn't recoil from nose boops
Written by Foster Carer
This website is updated in real time at the conclusion of an adoption. There is a chance that while you are enquiring to meet your potential new pet, he or she may already be involved in an adoption process. If this happens, please consider another animals. Thanks for your patience.
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