Include a gift in your Will

Write your Will online for FREE

The Lost Dogs’ Home is proud to partner with Gathered Here to offer you the opportunity to Start Writing Your Free Will including making free, unlimited updates to your Will for life. It’s so easy to include a bequest gift for dogs and cats in your Will at the same time.

Gathered Here can help you create a legally valid and personalised Will online, using one of Australia’s largest and most trusted online Will service.

To start creating your free online Will now, simply CLICK HERE and please remember to include a thoughtful bequest gift to the Home. Leaving a small percentage of your estate to the Home.


[Alt image text: Lost Dogs’ Home animal carer nursing an injured rescue cat in our cat adoption centre. Much of our work is made possible by kind bequest gift in Will from bequest donors and cat lovers.

By choosing to include a bequest gift in your Will, you are making a lasting commitment to animal welfare.

The Lost Dogs’ Home has a duty to honour your commitment and ensure your final wishes to help lost animals through the bequest gift in your Will are upheld.

We promise and recognise that:

  • Your privacy will always be respected
  • Your loved ones come first
  • You won’t be put under any pressure; this is a big decision to be made in your own time
  • You and your loved ones will have the opportunity to choose how and when The Lost Dogs’ Home communicates with you
  • You have the right to change your mind at any time
  • Your bequest gift will be used wisely and effectively to provide the best possible care for lost, abandoned and neglected dogs and cats.

Contact us

For more information about including a bequest gift in your Will to The Lost Dogs’ Home, please contact Ross in our friendly Gifts in Wills Team on (03) 8379 4496 or email him with any questions you might have at

Otherwise, you can complete this simple online enquiry form that will send your query to the Gifts in Wills Team. They’d be delighted to hear from you.